FIRE ALARM SYSTEM - consulting


Breaking News

Thursday, 12 January 2012


„h Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, apply to work of
this Section.
„h Bill of quantities
„h Related section
1. all section related to fire alarm interface with other
system(Access control ,CCTV ,HVAC ,BMS,
2. Grounding
3. conduit and fitting
4. Basic materials and methods
5. Cable trays
6. wires and cables

The scope shall include but not limited to the following
„h Supply system equipments according to approved list of
„h Handle and store equipment in appropriate environment
„h Install system devices according to system specification
„h Start up system
„h Programming system according to required function and
„h Test and commission all system according to related
specification documents
„h Put into operation all system components
„h Integrate all other system with fire alarm systems
„h Provide all other services as indicated in this specification
„h Provide necessary documents and final shop drawing for
obtaining approval from authorities having jurisdiction
The fire alarm system shall have Main Fire Alarm Central Panel
MFACP at low current room and sub fire alarm control panels
FACP as shown in drawings and repeater panel at security disks.
There is separate network between all fire panels in ring
configuration for redundancy.
The system shall provide manual means of alarm initiation at
every exit from every level.
The system shall provide automatic initiation using addressable
The system shall be interfaced to electromechanical system such
as HVAC, Fire fighting, Elevator, Public address and BMS
The provided fire alarm system shall be suitable for the functions
of the premises as provided by the local fire authority and by the
relevant international codes. Alarm shall be selective using
audiovisual alarm. Alarm shall be also circuit, point and software
defined for group annunciation. Wiring and devices shall be
supervised with all operations as described in Specifications.
Extent of Work: The extent of work of the fire alarm system is
indicated in the documents (Drawings, single line diagram, B.O.Q,
etc.). Work shall include all labor, equipment and services to furnish
and install a complete system.
The fire alarm system shall consist of the following components:
- addressable main Fire Alarm Control Panels (MFACP) with
printer with auto dialer
- addressable Fire alarm control panels (FACP)
- Addressable Manual pull station.
- addressable detectors ¡V smoke type
- addressable detectors ¡V heat type
- Fire alarm sounder with flashing beacon
- Fire man's telephone jack
- Control modules
- Monitor module
- GDT: graphical display terminal
- Network including conduit cabling , pull boxes and all
necessary accessories
Equipment and installations shall be performed in strict
accordance with the following Local Standard and International
National Fire Protection Association Standards
72A Local Protective Signaling Systems
72B Auxiliary Protective Signaling Systems
72C Remote Station Protective Signaling Systems
72D Proprietary Protective Signaling Systems
72E Automatic Fire Detectors
72G Notification Appliances for Protective Signaling Systems
72H Testing Procedures for Protective Signaling Systems
101 Life Safety Code
International Electro-technical Commission
IEC No.:
60331 Tests for Electric Cables under Fire Conditions ¡V Circuit integrity
60754 Tests on Gases Evolved During Combustion of Material From Cables.
61034 Measurement of Smoke Density of Cables Burring Under Defined
60228 Conductors of Insolated Cables.
60332 Tests on Electric Cables under Fire Conditions.
British Standard Specifications
6387 Specification for Performance Requirements for Cables Required
Maintaining Circuit Integrity Under Fire Conditions.
System installer shall submit the following in accordance with
Conditions of the Contract and Division-1 Specification Sections:
1.6.1 General: System installer shall submit complete sets of
documentation as stated by the contract conditions indicating the
type, size, rating, style, catalog number, manufacturer's names, photos
and/or catalog data sheets for all items to ensure compliance with
these specifications. This documentation shall be subject to approval
and no equipment shall be ordered without this approval, for all
equipment and devices, which are shown on Drawings.
1.6.2 Shop Drawings: System installer shall submit shop drawings
showing equipment/device locations, all boxes, back boxes (types,
sizes) and connecting wiring of entire fire alarm system including
riser diagrams.
1.6.3 Product Data: System installer shall submit manufacturer's
technical product data, including specifications and installations for
each type of fire alarm system equipment. Include standard or typical
riser and wiring diagrams, operation and maintenance instructions for
inclusion in maintenance manuals.
1.6.4 Maintenance Data: System installer shall submit maintenance data
and parts lists for each type of fire alarm equipment installed
including furnished specialties and accessories. Include this data,
product data, and shop drawings in maintenance manual in
accordance with requirements of Division-1 and other relevant
1.6.5 Instruction Manuals: The System installer shall provide with the
assistance of the equipment manufacturer and its authorized, local
representative complete operating instructions, pertinent system
orientation documents and system service, testing, and alarm
documentation in the fire control area (Fire Alarm Control Panel) for
the permanent use of the Employer and the Fire Department.
The system and all its components shall be according to the listed
codes and standards.
1.7.1 Manufacture Qualifications: Manufacturing firms should be
regularly engaged in manufacture of fire alarm systems of type,
size and electrical characteristics and whose products have been
in satisfactory use in similar services for not less than 5 years.
1.7.2 Installer Qualifications: Engage an experienced installer who is a
factory-authorized sale and service representative to perform the
work of this section.
Installer shall have at least 5 years of successful installation
experience in projects with fire alarm systems similar to those
required for this project.
1.7.3 Training: Equipment's manufacturer and his authorized, local
representative shall provide, in depth, equipment service and
programming on site training to selected Employer's personnel for at
least two weeks.
1.7 Coordination
1. all interface protocols and required hardware and software
needed to submit and satisfy system operation shall be
part of this contact
2. Fire alarm zoning shall be coordinated with Public
Address system , HVAC , Elevators , smoke managements
and fire fighting systems and BMS
All equipment and materials shall be designed to operate and provide
maximum continuous performance at temperature and humidity of
the project location. Provisions should be inherently provided in the
equipment to protect them from reduction in performance or damage
at peak climatic conditions.
The system shall be complete, electrically supervised multiplex
style fire detection with intelligent analogue alarm initiation to
device addressable and annunciated as described and shown on
The system shall be extendable in capacity.
The system shall be based on a central architectural concept.
Devices connected to the signal line circuits shall be individually
identifiable at the control panel for alarm and trouble
identification. Detectors shall be monitored for sensitivity settings
from the control panel and logged for changes in sensitivity
indicating need for changing.
The system shall include a self-diagnostic capability.
Alarm shall be initiated from an individual alarm initiating
circuit(s), device(s), manual switches, addressable device(s) and
software defined group of addressable devices reporting the alarm
condition at the MFACP/FACP equipment. This condition shall
operate the alarms and counter measures. Fire alarm signals shall
be initiated automatically from the FACP and transmitted to
selected device circuits or to all of them. This condition will
sound an alarm signal together with a flashing LED.
Pressing the acknowledge key at the FACP shall silence the alarm
sounders and cause the LED to light continuously during the
alarm condition. This shall be repeated for any subsequent alarm
All zones are manually re-settable from the MFACP/FACP after
initiating devices are restored to normal
One main Graphic User Interface (GUI) located in the Main Fire
Station shall control and monitor all fire alarm system points of
the existing system and the new system specified herein. It shall
have full control and monitoring of the combined systems
(existing + new) through 2-way communication. It shall be
possible to connect multiple GUI in the network if desired by the
Client to have backup.
Basics alarm performance requirement if activation fire alarm
initiating from devices (detectors, switches fire protection device
through monitoring modules) shall cause the following indication
and action:
1- Activation of positive alarm sequencel at MFACP/FACP
a. Local alarm in the control panel for the period of a
Programmable time T1.
b. During this delay time (T1), a local (staff) alarm (stage 1)
Only is to be given. If the alarm is not acknowledged
Before timer T1 runs out , this is to result in notification-
Appliance operation (stage 2)
c. If the alarm is acknowledged while T1 is still running, T1 is
To be reset and a Programmable timer T2 is to be started.
T2 is to delay the notification- appliance operation (stage
2) Further, and so provide time for human Investigation of
The alarm cause.
d. If no reset action takes place before T2 runs out, notification-
Appliance Operation (stage 2) is to be given.
e- Display a drawing of the floor, location of fire and
instructions to be followed on GDT (graphical
display terminal) with GUI (graphical user interface).
2. Notification-appliance operation (stage 2).
a. Evacuation signal in zone of incident and adjacent zones;
Alert signal in remaining parts of building.
b. Evacuation signal throughout the building.
c. Activation of visual strobes.
3. Identification at the MFACP/FACP and the remote annuncitor(s) of the
Zone origination the alarm
4. Identification at the MFACP /FACP and the remote annunciator(s) of the
location and the type of device originating the alarm.
5. Release of fire and smoke doors held open by magnetic door holders.
6. Recall of elevators.
7. CCTV camera(s) shall start recording the event.
8. Use PA system to broadcast the fire alarm evacuation/alert signals.
9. Shutdown of fans and other air-handling equipment serving zone when
alarm was initiated.
10. Closing of smoke dampers in air ducts of system serving zone where alarm
was initiated.
11. Recording of the event by the system printer.
The fire alarm system shall comprise of components capable of
providing the following features when appropriate and specified:
- All sectors alarm notification
- Private alarm notification
- Occupied/unoccupied notification
- Voice alarm notification
- AC shut down in case of fire
- Smoke evacuation operation in case of fire
- Fire fighting monitor
Private Alarm Notification: When allowed, the public alarm
must provide programmable time delay to allow time for
investigation. The private alarm must be audible and visual.
IF no response is made at the FACP within a set time, the public
alarm must sound, keyed override must be provided.
Occupied/Unoccupied Notification: When appropriate, the FACP
must provide an ¡§OCCUPIED/UNOCCUPIED¡¨ control to allow the
disabling of portions of the public alarm to reduce panic hazard.
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Voice Alarm Notification: The audible portion of the public
alarm must be voice and signals alarm using speakers & sirens.
HVAC Interface: The fire alarm system shall generate the
necessary control function to stop required HVAC equipment and
operate other HVAC equipment which keeps high pressure inside
the path of escaping ladder.
Generator Room Procedure: In case of fire inside generator
room, fire alarm panel shall send a signal to solenoid valve to shut
down fuel through a control module and another control module to
shut down the generator it self.
Fire Fighting Monitoring: The fire alarm system shall monitor
the flow and tamper switches of the fire protection Sprinkler
system (zone valves) and give alarm when detect flow of water.
The flow switch monitor module shall have a delay time to
compensate for water surged without sending an alarm.
The monitor module shall monitor the fire pumps (standby ¡V
fault - run).
Fire alarm shall monitor also clean agent system (CO2 or FM
200) using three monitor module to connect fire fighting panel
with fire alarm panel to monitor ( trouble, first alarm ,
supervisor) the fire fighting shall be double knock system zone
with two zones.
Electrical power shut signals shall be initiated according to the zone
under fire.
BMS Interface: Fire alarm system shall have a complete
interface (software interface) with BMS in addition to any other
mentioned interface to transfer all the data of fire alarm system
to BMS including all the data that fire alarm system receive
from other systems such as fire fighting system. Fire alarm
system supplier shall provide all needed devices, interfaces,
software, etc., required to have required interface level and
procedure according I/O data point summary schedule and
control diagram attached to BMS specification. Fire alarm
supplier has to coordinate with BMS supplier to ensure
Sound system Interface: Fire alarm system shall supervise and
control public address system using Monitor and Control
modules for monitoring the operation feedback function of
public address and control relay module to activate the digital
pre-recorded massage module to announce the pre-recorded
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evacuation 3 messages (one fire and two warning for fire floor
up and down level)
The fire alarm system shall consist of the following:
- addressable main Fire Alarm Control Panels (MFACP)
with printer with auto dialer
- Addressable Fire alarm control panels (FACP).
- Addressable Manual pull station.
- addressable detectors ¡V smoke type
- addressable detectors ¡V heat type
- Fire alarm sounder with flashing beacon.
- Fire man's telephone jack.
- Control modules.
- Monitor module.
- GDT: graphical display terminal.
- Network including conduit cabling, pull boxes and all
necessary accessories.
Main Fire Alarm Control Panel (MFACP): The Fire Alarm
Control Panel (MFACP) shall have addressable with no of loops
as indicated on drawings
- Interfacing and Communication Circuits
- System Printer
- Emergency Power `Supply and Batteries.
The Central Processing Unit (CPU):
CPU shall be programmable; micro-processor based and
includes programs, which support all functions of the fire alarm
CPU shall also include all necessary interfacing circuits, which
enable it to communicate with another FACP and addressable
and non-addressable devices and equipment pertaining to the
fire alarm system as described in the previous Clauses.
Event initiating functions shall be performed in accordance with
stored logic (firmware) in a non-volatile memory (PROM or
The CPU shall also perform all communication-oriented tasks on
digital error free concept using addressable routines to manage all
addressable devices.
The software programs, which operates and manage the system
shall be resident and have complete immunity against noise,
interference and supply fluctuations and failure. This software
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shall also be protected against intended or by-mistake
All supervisory and trouble functions shall also be supported by
the program which runs the system including reporting routines
which display all necessary information and alarms.
Special Diagnostic program shall also monitor all vital functions
such as communication and data processing cycles of operation
and run diagnostic routines to detect errors and report it.
The MFACP shall have a capacity which can be able to handle
all the devices with 15% spare for each signaling line circuit.
The fire alarm control panel MFACP shall have the following features:
- Modular system to allow future extension
- LCD of minimum 80 character alphanumeric
- Automatic day and night sensitivity
- Automatic drift compensation
- Dirt detector reporting
- Ground fault detection
- Internal self diagnosis
- Minimum of 1000 history events
Trouble Signals: Trouble due to the following faulty events
shall activate audio-visual display on the MFACP:
- Power and battery failure or loss
- Open or grounded Cable network, which interconnects
devices and system components
- Communication failure
- System software and hardware failure
System Printer:
A. Description: Listed and labeled as an integral part of the fire
alarm system.
B. The system is to have a strip printer capable of being
mounted directly in the main MFAC enclosure. Alarms are to be
printed in easy-to-read RED, other messages, such as a trouble,
are to be printed in BLACK. This printer is to receive power
from the system power supply and shall operate via battery back
up if ac mains are lost.
C. The printer is to provide hard-copy printout of all changes in
status of the system and shall time-stamp such printouts with the
current time-of-day and date. The printer is to be standard carriage
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with 80-characters per line and is to use standard pin-feed paper.
The printer is to be enclosed in a separate cabinet suitable for
placement on a desktop or table. The printer shall communicate
with the control panel using an interface complying with Electrical
Industries Association (EIA) standard EIA-232D.
D. The event and status printer shall be a 9 pin, impact, dot-matrix
printer with a minimum print speed of 200 characters per second at
10 characters per inch. Printer parameters shall be set up with a
menu drive program in the printer. The serial cable connecting the
Fire Alarm Control Panel to the Printer shall be supervised. The
serial printer shall support short haul modems or Fiber-Optics
modules. The printers shall list the time, date, type, and user defined
message for each event printed. It shall be possible to support
multiple printers per CPU. It shall be possible to define which event
types are sent to the printer(s) including alarm, supervisory, trouble,
monitor, and service groups.
Emergency Power Supply: The system shall be equipped with an
Emergency Power Supply system capable of supplying the
necessary power of 12/24 VDC to run the fire alarm system for
24 hours on stand-by mode and for 30 minutes in case of alarm
state. The emergency power supply shall include battery of
sufficient capacity, battery charger and non break change over
circuitry. Battery calculation sheet must be submitted by system
Automatic Telephone Dialer (ATD): ATD shall provide the
system with automatic ability to dial a remote fire fighting
location and deliver pre-recorded emergency message through a
dedicated line. Message length shall be of four (4) minutes at
least. Telephone dialer shall have the ability to store and dial 4
different telephone numbers. Telephone dialer shall provide
message test speaker and a message test switch. The dialer shall
be provided with battery backup operation and programming
Addressable Manual Fire Alarm Stations: Manual Stations
shall be documented compatible with control equipment. They
shall be (break glass). Manual station with normally open,
single-pole alarm contacts
Each break glass plate shall include operating instructions in
both Arabic and English.
The addressable manual station shall contain addressable circuitry
to communicate with the FACP and shall report alarm or trouble
status changes.
Addressable Smoke (Photo) Detectors: Detectors shall be
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documented compatible with the control equipment to which it
is connected. The detectors shall obtain their operating power
from the fire alarm panel through the same supervised signaling
detection loop.
To minimize nuisance alarms, voltage and RF transient
suppression techniques shall be employed as well as an insect
screen. All detector designs shall provide full solid-state
construction and compatibility with other fire alarm detection
loop devices, (smoke detector, pull stations, etc.).
Each detector base or the detector itself shall have a flashing
status indicating LED for visual supervision. When the detector
is activated, the flashing LED will latch on steady and at full
brilliance until it is reset by the reset switch, from the control
Detector has an on-board microprocessor that evaluates its
Photoelectric light scattering chamber activity and makes an
Intelligent decision based on light obscuration history as to
whether an alarm condition is present.
Detectors shall be plug-in lockable with separate base, including all
addressable circuitry.
The detector shall provide indication of the analog value
corresponding to detection of fire (smoke) to the FACP. The
detectors shall be continually monitored to detect any change in
sensitivity due to dirt or environmental conditions, which could be
corrected from the control panel within certain limits.
The smoke sensitivity range 0.3%: 3.7% per foot and the air
velocity range 0-610 m/min
Detectors shall be intelligent microprocessor controlled and
connected with two wires class A type.
The detectors shall be sensitive to visible and invisible products of
Addressable Heat Detectors
Detectors shall be documented compatible with the control
equipment to which it is connected. The detectors shall obtain
their operating power from the fire alarm panel through the same
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supervised signaling detection loop.
To minimize nuisance alarms, voltage and RF transient
suppression techniques shall be employed as well as an insect
screen. All detector designs shall provide full solid-state
construction and compatibility with other fire alarm detection
loop devices, (smoke detector, pull stations, etc.).
Each detector base or the detector itself shall have a flashing
status indicating LED for visual supervision. When the detector
is activated, the flashing LED will latch on steady and at full
brilliance until it is reset by the reset switch, from the control
Thermal Detectors shall be intelligent addressable devices rated
at 58¢XC and have rate-of-rise element rated at 9.4¢XC per minute.
It shall connect via two wires to the Fire Alarm Control Panel
Signaling line circuit
The detectors shall use an electronic sensor to measure thermal
conditions caused by a fire and shall, on command from the
control panel, send data to the panel representing the analog
level of such thermal measurements.
Electronic Horn with Strobe Light: The horn shall be
electronic and it has SPL up to 95 dBA or higher with strobe
light flasher type with 15/75 candela CD (ADA). The strobe
light shall be wall or ceiling mounted.
Remote LCD Annunciator (repeater RFACP

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