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Thursday, 12 January 2012


The following specifications detail the minimum performance and related
criteria for a lighting control system proposed for this project. Any deviations from
this specification must be documented in writing and submitted to the
Architect prior to the issuance of any contracts and must also include all
associated cost savings or additions, including but not limited to equipment,
equipment installation, power wiring labor and materials, programming,
documentation and project management.
Provide, install and test an architectural lighting control system as specified
herein for the areas indicated on the drawings, specifications and load
Section 16143 (Wiring Devices).

lSO 9001 Quality Standard.
Harmonized European Standard (CE)
Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers.
International Electrotechnical Commission
A. System shall consist of factory pre-assembled dimming and switching
panels, centralized preset lighting control(s), low voltage wallstations
and/or control interfaces, and solid-state high frequency fluorescent
dimming ballasts (where applicable). Additional items may also be
required and are described herein and/or as shown on the drawings.
A. Shall include a load schedule which indicates the actual connected load
and load type per circuit, circuits and their respective control zones,
circuits that are on emergency (if applicable), and the capacity, phase, and
corresponding circuit numbers (per the electrical drawings).
B. Shall include a complete schematic of the system.
C. Shall include catalog cut sheets with performance specifications including
historical testing data demonstrating complete compliance to all of the
specifications herein.
D. Shall include all exceptions taken to the Specification.
E. Manufacturer shall provide any additional information or factory
demonstrations as required by Specifier to demonstrate conformance with
Part 2 of this specification. All demonstrations are to be at a location, time
and in a manner chosen by the Specifier.
F. Manufacturer shall provide 5 sets of full system submittals.
A. Manufacturer shall have a minimum of 5 years continuous experience in
the manufacturing of lighting controls.
B. Lighting control system shall be suitable for all different types of loads
(i.e. incandescent, magnetic and electronic low voltage, fluorescent, etc.).
Manufacturer shall provide evidence of compliance on request.
C. Manufacturer shall have their quality system registered to the ISO 9001
Quality Standard, including in-house engineering for all product design
activities. Due to .the exclusion of the Design Control element, ISO 9002.
Registration is not acceptable.
D. Manufacturer shall have component quality program in place to reduce
defective levels to less than 100 PPM and provide documentation on
E. Lighting control system shall meet IEC801-2, tested to withstand a 15k V
electrostatic discharge without damage or loss of memory.
F. Manufacturer shall provide software to simplify the design and installation
of all lighting controls.
A. Lighting controls shall operate in an ambient temperature range of 0‹C to
45‹C and 100% non-condensing relative humidity without the
requirement of a regularly scheduled maintenance program for air
filtration components.
A. Manufacturer shall provide a full two-year warranty, on all equipment
supplied inclusive of commissioning by a factory employed engineer.
Warranty shall cover 100% of the cost to repair or replace any parts
required over the first two years, which are directly attributable to the
A. The contractor shall provide the manufacturer with 10 working days notice
of the scheduled commissioning date.
B. A factory-employed engineer shall make a minimum of three site visits to
ensure proper system installation and operation. The first visit shall consist
of a prewire inspection. Upon completion of the installation, the system
shall be completely commissioned by a factory-employed engineer. The
check-out will be performed after all loads have been tested live for
continuity and freedom from defects and that all control wiring has been
connected and checked for proper continuity. During the third visit, a
factory-employed engineer shall demonstrate and educate the owner's
representative(s) on the system capabilities, operation and maintenance.
C. Manufacturer shall offer extended warranty based upon successful factory
A. Subject to compliance with requirements, specifications, design drawings
and regulations.
A. Panels shall be wall or floor mounted. Contractor shall reinforce wall as
required for wall-mounted panels.
B. Panels shall be completely pre-assembled and factory tested by the
manufacturer. The contractor shall be required to provide input feed
wiring, load wiring, and control wiring. No other wiring or assembly by
the contractor shall be permitted. All input feed, load, and control
terminals shall be front accessible without the need to remove dimmer
assemblies or other components.
C. Unless the panel is a dedicated feed-through switching panel or otherwise
indicated, panels shall contain branch circuit protection for each dimming
assembly. Branch circuit breakers shall have the following performance
1. Moulded case or Miniature circuit breakers are suitable for use on
lighting circuits.
2. Contain a visual trip indicator and shall be rated at 6000 AIC
(230V), unless otherwise noted.
3. Be thermal-magnetic in construction for both overload and dead
short protection. The use of fully magnetic breakers shall not be
acceptable, even when used in conjunction with individual
dimmer thermal cut-outs.
4. Be replaceable without moving dimmer assemblies or other
components of the panel.
D. Activation of a circuit protection device shall affect only the single
dimmer that it is wired to protect.
E. Panels shall be equipped with an electronic BYPASS feature which
electronically switches lighting loads to full light output from any level by
toggling the individual branch circuit breakers (for individual circuits) or
main breaker (for all circuits) when there is no intensity data available
from the control system.
F. Panels shall be shipped with each dimmer in a mechanical BYPASS
position via a jumper bar inserted between the input and load terminals to
allow dimming panel to be used as a temporary lighting panel with no
threat to the dimmer. These jumpers shall carry the complete load current
and shall be reusable at any time.
G. Panels shall be capable of maintaining dimmers at current light levels in
the event of a control failure. Systems that fail to off during a control
failure are not acceptable.
H. Panels shall be passively cooled via free-convection, unaided by fans.
Systems that are fan dependent or fan assisted, or which recommend
regularly scheduled maintenance for air filtration components are not
I. Panel shall provide capability to electronically assign each circuit to any
zone in the dimming system. Panels using mechanical switches, rewiring,
or EPROMS shall not be acceptable. All circuits shall be capable of being
operated (dimmed or switched where appropriate) from the panel.
J. Multiple panels shall be capable of operating in one system.
K. For panels fed with a priority 1 (emergency condition)/priority 2 (normal
condition) feeder, panel shall include electronics to bring all circuits to an
emergency full-on condition upon the loss of normal power and the
subsequent presence of emergency power. Designated circuits shall be
controlled simultaneously with other lighting circuits within the
designated control zone during the presence of priority(1) or priority(2)
1. Panels listed as emergency (priority 1 power ) shall have all
circuits immediately go to a full-on condition. All dimmers shall
operate at 100% of input voltage, bypassing any high-end trim.
All local control stations are inoperable during this period. Once
normal power (priority 2 power) is restored, all lighting zones
shall revert back to their status prior to the emergency condition
without requiring any action on the part of the user. Restoration to
some other "default" level is not acceptable.
2. System shall be capable of meeting local jurisdictions requiring
special conditions such as minimum light levels during normal
operation or full function, even during emergency power.
A. Dimmer shall be capable of withstanding inrush current of 50 times
operating current. In addition, under fully-loaded operating conditions, all
semiconductor devices shall operate at a minimum 200C safety margin
below the component temperature rating.
B. A positive air gap switch shall be employed with each dimmer in the
panel to ensure that the load circuits are open when the "off' function is
selected from the control system.
C. Each dimmer shall compensate for incoming line voltage variations such
as changes in RMS voltage, frequency shifts, harmonics and line noise.
Dimmer shall be capable of maintaining constant light level with no
visible flicker under the following conditions:
1. }:2% change in RMS voltage/cycle
2. }2 Hz change in frequency/second
Dimmers that do not regulate the dimmer output in real time shall be unacceptable.
D. Each dimmer shall incorporate an electronic gsoft-start" default at initial
turn-on that smoothly ramps the lights up to the appropriate levels within
0.5 seconds.
E. Once installed as part of a complete system, the semiconductor used to
control the power furnished to the loads shall be both designed and tested
to withstand surges, without impairment to performance, of 6000V,
3000A (equivalent to a near lightning strike) specified by IEEE std.
C62.41. Upon request, the manufacturer shall provide a means to
demonstrate conformance to this specification using the appropriate
surge-generation equipment.
F. One type of dimmer shall be used for all sources, line voltages, and
frequencies. Systems requiring different types of modules shall not be
acceptable. Dimmer shall be capable of electronic assignment to any
source and any zone. Upon replacement of a dimmer, only that dimmer
shall require replacement, and no re-programming shall be required.
G. Filtering shall be provided for each dimmer so that current rise time shall
be at least 350 ƒÊsec as measured from 10-90% of the load current
waveform and at least 525 ƒÊsec as measured from 0-100% of the load
current waveform at 50% rated dimmer capacity at a 90O conduction
angle. Current rise time shall be at least 400ƒÊsec as measured from
10-90% of the load current waveform and at least 600 ƒÊsec as measured
from 0-100% of the load current waveform at 100% rated dimmer
capacity at a 90O conduction angle. At no point should current rise faster
than 30mA/msec.
H. Dimmer output voltage shall be a minimum 95% of input voltage at
maximum intensity setting.
I. Dimmer shall include diagnostic LEDs to verify proper operation and
assist in any system troubleshooting.
A. Assembly shall be capable of withstanding inrush current 75 times
operating current. In addition, under fully-loaded operating conditions, all
devices shall operate at a minimum 200C safety margin below the
component temperature rating.
B. A positive air gap switch shall be employed with each circuit in the power
panel to ensure that the load circuits are open when the" off' function is
selected from the control system.
C. Relays shall be mechanically latching. Relays shall be of sealed
construction type in order to prevent contact degradation.
D. Once installed as a complete system, the relays used to control the power
furnished to the loads shall be both designed and tested to withstand
surges, without impairment to performance, of 6000V, 3000A (equivalent
to near lighting strike) as specified by IEEE std, C62.41. Upon request,
the manufacturer shall provide the means to demonstrate conformance to
this specification using the appropriate surge- generation equipment.
E. Relays shall be rated for 16 Amps continuous duty, for the following load
types: resistive (incandescent/tungsten), inductive (magnetic low voltage,
neon/cold cathode, magnetic fluorescent lamp ballasts), and capacitive
(electronic low voltage, electronic fluorescent lamp ballasts, high
intensity discharge). Relays rated only for resistive loads shall not be
F. Load shall be switched in a manner that ensures no arcing will occur at the
mechanical contacts when power is applied to the load circuits,
G. Average rated life of relay shall be at least 1,000,000 cycles.
H. Assembly shall include diagnostic LEDs to verify proper operation and
assist in any system troubleshooting.
A. Dimming assemblies shall operate the following sources/load types with
a smooth continuous Square Law dimming curve. Dimmers that have
visible "steps" of light intensity throughout the control range shall not be
acceptable, Dimmers shall also be capable of operating the following
sources on a non-dim basis. Dimmers shall be electronically assigned to
the appropriate load type/dimming curve and can be reassigned at any
time. Universal-type dimmers that do not adjust the dimming curve shall
not be acceptable.
1. Incandescent, Tungsten and Magnetic Low Voltage Transformer
a. Dimmer shall contain circuitry specifically designed to control
and provide a symmetrical AC waveform to the input of
magnetic low voltage transformers.
b. Dimmer shall not cause a magnetic low voltage transformer to
operate above the transformer's rated operating current and
c. Dimmer shall contain circuitry to control dioded lamps,
2. Electronic Low Voltage Transformer
a. Dimming shall not adversely affect sound rating of the
electronic transformers. In addition, no flicker or interaction
shall' occur at any point in the dimming range.
b. Dimmers shall provide the ability to dim lamps down to 0%
(blackout). Minimum light levels shall be user adjustable in
order to compensate for different loading of each dimmer.
3. Fluorescent Electronic Dimming Ballast .
4. Neon and Cold Cathode
a. Dimmer shall provide the ability to dim lamps down to 10% of
full light output when used with normal (low) power factor
b. The lamp performance over the range specified shall be
continuous and free of flicker or striations.
c. Neon/cold cathode lamps shall be manufactured with strict
attention paid to proper lamp pressurization and exclusion of
any impurities to ensure best dimming performance.
d. Transformers shall be sized per transformer sizing tables
developed 1 by the dimming manufacturer.
e. The electrical contractor is responsible for proper neon or cold
cathode lamp and wiring installation.
A. Definitions: A "scene" or "preset" is a specific look or mood created by
different lighting zones set at different intensities. A "zone" is one or
more lighting circuits which are controlled together as a group.
B. Control shall provide power failure memory. Should power be interrupted
and subsequently returned, the lights will come back on to the same levels
set prior to the power interruption without requiring any actions on the
part of the user. Restoration. to some other default level is not acceptable,
unless specifically noted elsewhere.
C. Faceplate shall attach using no visible means of attachment.
D. Controls shall be engraved with appropriate zone and/or scene
descriptions, furnished to the manufacturer prior to fabrication. Size and
style of engraving type shall be determined by the Architect. Any
silk-screened borders, logos, graduations, etc. shall use a graphic process
that chemically bonds the graphics to the metal faceplate, resisting
removal by scratching, cleaning, etc.
E. Manufacturer shall ensure the following items regarding product color:
1. Product color matches and maxjmum color deviation from this
standard shall not exceed ĢE=1, CIE L *a*b color space units.
2. Color variation of any control in the same product family shall not
exceed ĢE=1, CIE L*a*b color units.
3. Visible parts shall exhibit ultraviolet color stability when tested
with multiple actinic light sources. Manufacturer to submit proof
of testing upon request.
F. Controls shall provide an immediate, local LED response upon button
activation to indicate that a system command action has been requested.
LED will remain lit contingent upon receiving system confirmation of the
successful completion of the command.
A. Handheld programmer shall provide the ability to change intensity and
fade time for each zone in the lighting control system without the use of a
PC. Unit shall provide current light level indication and a thumbwheel for
light level adjustment. Unit shall have a zone finder button for easy
identification of the zone being programmed.
Wallstation functions are configured through software. Functions listed are
A. Four Button WaI1station(s)
Control shall be capable of recalling preset light levels for four scenes, reflecting
door status of up to four partitions, and selecting daylight control banks.
Buttons shall provide green LED status feedback.
B. Five Button Wallstation(s)
Control shall be capable of recalling preset light levels for four scenes plus off,
and starting/stopping one to four sequences. Buttons shall provide green LED
status feedback.
C. Five Button Wallstation(s) with Raise/Lower
Control shall be capable of recalling preset light levels for four scenes plus eoff,
and of fine-tuning light levels with master raise/lower, and starting/stopping
one to four .sequences. Buttons shall provide green LED status feedback LED
status feedback.
A. Dimmer shall be capable of operating at rated capacity without adversely
affecting design lifetime.
B. Dimmer shall mount individually in standard CE wallboxes. .
C. Dimmer shall incorporate an airgap switch which shall be operable
without removing the faceplate. The airgap switch shall be capable of
meeting `applicable CE requirements of for airgap switches in
incandescent dimmers.
D. Dimmer shall meet IEC 801-2, tested to withstand 15kV electrostatic
discharge without damage or loss of memory.
E. Dimmer shall meet IEEE Std. C62.41-1980, tested to withstand voltage
surges of up to 6000V and current surges of up to 200A without damage
or loss of memory.
F. Dimmer shall meet CE standards on short circuit test requirement for snap
G. Dimmer shall compensate for incoming line voltage variations such as
changes in RMS voltage, frequency shifts, harmonics and line noise.
Dimmer shall be capable of maintaining constant light level with no
visible flicker under the following conditions:
1. } 2% change in RMS voltage/cycle
2. }:2 Hz change in frequency/second
Dimmers that do not regulate the dimmer output in real time shall be
H. Dimmer shall utilize an LC filtering network to minimize interference
with properly installed radio, audio, and video equipment.
I. Separate power booster/interface shall increase dimmer capacity.
Capacity shall range from 1000W/VA to 30,000W/VA. Quantities and
sizes of each type of power booster/interface shall be provided to control
each type of load shown on the load schedule and/or the drawings.
J. Dimmer shall operate the following sources/load types with a smooth
continuous Square Law dimming curve. Dimmers shall also be capable of
operating these sources on a full conduction non-dim basis.
1. Incandescent, Tungsten, Magnetic Low Voltage Transformer
2. Electronic Fluorescent Dimming Ballast.
3. Neon and Cold Cathode
K. Dimmer shall operate the following sources/load types with a smooth
continuous Square Law dimming curve through separate power
1. Electronic Low Voltage Transformer
2. Fluorescent Electronic Dimming Ballast
L. Minimum light levels shall be user adjustable in order to compensate for
different sources and loading.
M. Control shall provide 4 preset lighting scenes and 'off for up to 6 control
zones. Control shall be capable of storing an additional 12 preset lighting
scenes which can be accessed via wallstations and/or control interfaces.
Preset shall be set via easy-to- use raise/lower switches, one raise and
lower switch per zone. The intensity for each zone shall be indicated via
an illuminated bargraph, one bargraph per zone. More than one zone may
be proportionately raised or lowered at the same time. Programming of
preset scenes shall be accomplished without the use of an eenter' or estore'
button. Additionally, one or more zones may be temporarily overridden
without altering the scene values which are stored in memory.
N. Lighting levels shall fade smoothly between scenes at time intervals of 0
to 59 seconds or 1 to 60 minutes. The fade time shall be separately
selectable for each scene and shall be indicated by a digital display for the
current scene. Pressing a scene select button will illuminate the
corresponding scene LED and simultaneously begin changing the
bargraph levels to reflect the currently selected scene. In the event that a
preset scene with a fade time greater than 5 seconds is initially selected
from an 'off condition. the programmed fade time shall be temporarily
.overridden, unless otherwise noted, and the lights shall fade up to that
scene over a five-second time span.
O. Control shall be capable of being set locally, through a handheld
programmer, and/or through a PC.
P. Controls shall incorporate built-in wide angle infrared receiver, providing
control via a separate wireless remote control transmitter from up to 15
meters away.
Q. Control shall provide tamperproof protection of scenes using a minimum
of four levels of electronic 'lockout' which prevent alterations of scene
values stored in memory. Highest level of 'lockout' shall be capable of
disabling manual control at the preset control.
A. Control shall mount individually in standard CE wallboxes.
B. Control shall provide 4 preset lighting scenes and 'off for up to 24 control
zones. Control shall be capable of storing an additional 12 preset lighting
scenes which can be accessed via wallstations and/or control interfaces.
Preset shall be set via easy- to-use raise/lower switches, one raise and
lower switch per zone. The intensity for each zone shall be indicated via
an illuminated bargraph, one bargraph per ,zone. More than one zone may
be proportionately raised or lowered at the same time. Programming of
preset scenes shall be accomplished without the use of an 'enter' or 'store'
button. Additionally, one or more zones may be temporarily overridden
without altering the scene values which are stored in memory.
C. Lighting levels shall fade smoothly between scenes at time intervals of 0
to 59 seconds or 1 to 60 minutes. The fade time shall be separately
selectable for each scene and shall be indicated by a digital display for the
current scene. Pressing a scene select button will illuminate the
corresponding scene LED and simultaneously begin changing the bar
graph levels to reflect the currently selected scene. In the event that a
preset scene with a fade time greater than 5 seconds is initially selected
from an 'off condition, the programmed fade time shall be temporarily
overridden, unless otherwise noted, and the lights shall fade up to that
scene over a five-second time span.
D. Control shall be capable of being set locally, through a handheld
programmer, and/or through a PC.
E. Controls shall incorporate built-in wide angle infrared receiver, providing
control via a separate wireless remote control transmitter from up to 50
feet away.
F. Control shall provide tamperproof protection of scenes using a minimum
of four levels of electronic 'lockout' which prevent alterations of scene
values stored in memory. Highest level of 'lockout' shall be capable of
disabling manual control at the preset control unit.
A. Control shall mount individually in standard CE wallboxes.
B. Slider control shall provide Ion' and 'off for up to 12 control zones. Where
indicated, control shall be capable of storing preset lighting scenes. The
intensity for each zone shall be indicated by the position of the slider.
More than one zone may be proportionately raised or lowered at the same
time. Programming of preset scenes shall be accomplished without the
use of an 'enter' or 'store' button. Additionally, one or more zones may be
temporarily overridden without altering the scene values which are stored
in memory. Control shall provide option for Master slider and shall retain
"dimming profile".
C. Lighting levels shall fade smoothly between scenes at time intervals of 0
to 59 seconds or 1 to 60 minutes. The fade time shall be separately
selectable for each scene and shall be indicated by a digital display for the
current scene. Pressing a scene select button will illuminate the
corresponding scene LED and simultaneously begin changing the
bargraph levels to reflect the currently selected scene. In the event that a
preset scene with a fade time greater than 5 seconds is initially selected
from an 'off condition, the programmed fade time shall be temporarily
overridden, unless otherwise noted, and the lights shall fade up to that
scene over a five-second time span.
A. Four Scene Wireless Remote Control(s)
Wireless remote control shall be capable of recalling preset light levels for four
scenes plus 'off and of fine-tuning light levels with master raise/lower Wireless
remote control shall be used in conjunction with a compatible infrared receiver
and scenes recalled shall be dependent on that receiver, Wireless remote t control
operate up to 15 meters within line-of-sight to that receiver. Wireless remote
control shall operate at a frequency of 40 kHz and shall be 'learnable' by other
variable frequency remote controls.
B. Ceiling-Mounted Infrared Receiver(s)
Control shall provide means for Four Scene Wireless Remote Control(s)
and Eight Scene Wireless Remote Control(s) to recall preset light levels
for up to four or eight scenes (dependent on remote control) plus 'off and
of fine-tuning light levels. Control shall be ceiling-mounted and shall
provide 3600 reception range for wireless remote controls within 15
meters of the control. Manufacturer shall supply mounting collar which
shall be no larger than 56mm square.
C. Five Button Wallstation(s) with Infrared Receiver
Control shall be capable of recalling preset light levels for four scenes, each
providing green LED status feedback, plus 'off. Control shall provide
means for Four Scene Wireless Remote Control(s) and Eight Scene
Wireless Remote Control(s) to recall preset light levels for up to four or
eight scenes (dependent on remote control) plus 'off and of fine-tuning
light levels.
A. Contact Closure Interface( s )
Control shall provide two way interface between controls and dry contact
closure devices such as from Timeclock Inputs, Building Management
Systems, Fire Alarm Systems, Security Systems, and Occupancy Sensors.
Control shall provide a minimum of five input and five output terminals.
Input terminals must be able to accept maintained or momentary inputs
with a minimum pulse time of 40msec. Inputs must have an on-state
saturation voltage less than 2. 0VDC and an off-state leakage current less
than 10mA Outputs must be capable of controlling other manufacturers'
equipment. Customer provided output indicators must not exceed 200mA
at 30VDC. Following functions shall be available and shall be set up in
software: scene selection, panic mode, occupancy response, sequencing,
zone and scene lockouts, and partitioning.
B. Daylighting Control(s)
Control shall automatically select preset light levels in response to
ambient daylight. Control shall provide four thresholds for selection of
light levels and shall provide four banks of preset light levels to select.
Control shall be capable of photocell calibration, of averaging response
for up to three photosensors, and of providing means for photosensor(s)
input to override manual scene selects to ensure optimum light levels and
energy savings.
C. Room Assignor Control Panel(s)
Control shall be capable of accepting up to 32 contact closure inputs.
Following functions shall be available and shall be set up in software:
scene selection, panic mode, occupancy response, sequencing, zone and
scene lockouts, and partitioning. Control shall provide a visual status.
D. Handheld Programmer Jack(s)
Control shall provide access to local programming of the lighting control
system from hand-held programmers.
A. Equipment shall be 100% tested for proper operation at three different
levels- printed circuit board, end of line, and for two hours at 50‹C
ambient-prior to shipment from the factory. Manufacturers sampling at
end-of-line shall not be acceptable.
A. Equipment shall be installed utilizing manufacturer's catalogue cut sheets
and installation instructions and in accordance with these specifications.
B. Contractor shall furnish all equipment, labor, system setup and other
services necessary for the proper installation of the products/system as
indicated on the drawings and specified herein. System setup shall
include defining each dimmers load type, assigning each load to a zone
and setting the control functions.
A. A factory-employed engineer shall make a minimum of three site visits to
ensure proper system installation and operation. The first visit shall
consist of a prewire inspection. Upon completion of the installation, the
system shall be completely commissioned by a factory-employed
engineer. The check-out will be performed after all loads have been tested
live for continuity and freedom from defects and that all control wiring
has been connected and checked for proper continuity. During the third
visit, a factory-employed engineer shall demonstrate and educate the
ownerfs representative(s) on the system capabilities, operation and
B. Manufacturer shall offer upgraded warranty based upon successful field
C. Manufacturer shall provide toll-free technical support hotline 24 hours
per day, 7 days per week.
D. Manufacturer shall be capable of providing on-site service support within
72 hours anywhere in the world.
E. Manufacturer shall offer a renewable service contract on a year to year
basis which 8 will include parts and factory labor as well as annual
training visits.
F. Service Contracts win be available for up to ten years from date of system

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