Chapter Two
Flexural Analysis and Design of Beams
Flexural Design
of Beams (and One-Way Slabs):
The basic assumptions made in flexural
design are:
perpendicular to the axis of bending that are plane before bending remains
plane after bending.
perfect bond exists between the reinforcement and the concrete such that the
strain in the reinforcement is equal to the strain in the concrete at the same
strains in both the concrete and reinforcement are assumed to be directly proportional
to the distance from the neutral axis (ACI 10.2.2).
is assumed to fail when the compressive strain reaches 0.003 (ACI
tensile strength of concrete is neglected (ACI 10.2.5).
stresses in the concrete and reinforcement can be computed from the strains
using stress-strain curves for concrete and steel, respectively.
The compressive stress-strain relationship for concrete may be
assumed to be rectangular, trapezoidal, parabolic, or any other shape that
results in prediction of strength in substantial agreement with the results of
comprehensive tests (ACI 10.2.6). ACI 10.2.7 outlines the use of a rectangular
compressive stress distribution which is known as the Whitney
rectangular stress block.
Structural Design Requirements:
The design of a structure
must satisfy three basic requirements:
1) Strength to resist safely the stresses induced by
the loads in the various structural members.
Serviceability to
ensure satisfactory performance under service load conditions, which implies
providing adequate stiffness to contain deflections, crack widths and
vibrations within acceptable limits.
3) Stability to prevent overturning, sliding or
buckling of the structure, or part of it under the action of loads.
There are two other
considerations that a sensible designer should keep in mind: Economy and
Design Methods
methods of design have long prevalent.
Working Stress
Method: focuses on conditions at service loads.
Strength Design Method: focusing
on conditions at loads greater than the service loads when failure may be
imminent. The Strength Design Method is deemed conceptually more realistic to
establish structural safety.
Working-Stress Design Method
This method is based on the condition that
the stresses caused by service loads without load factors are not to exceed the
allowable stresses which are taken as a fraction of the ultimate stresses of
the materials, fc’ for concrete and fy for steel.
The Ultimate – Strength Design Method
At the present time, the ultimate-strength
design method is the method adopted by most prestigious design codes. In this method, elements are designed so that the internal
forces produced by factored loads do not exceed the corresponding reduced
strength capacities.
Reduced strength
factored loads
Or Design
strength ≥ Factored loads
The factored loads are
obtained by multiplying the working loads (service loads) by factors usually
greater than unity.
Safety Provisions (the strength
Safety is required to insure that the
structure can sustain all expected loads during its construction stage and its
life span with an appropriate factor of safety. There are three main reasons
why some sort of safety factor is necessary in structural design:
• Variability in resistance.
*Variability of fc’ and fy, *assumptions are made during design and
*differences between the as-built dimensions and those found in structural
• Variability in
loading. Real loads may differ from assumed design loads, or distributed
• Consequences of
failure. *Potential loss of life, *cost of clearing the debris and
replacement of the structure and its contents and *cost to society.
Safety Provisions (the strength
The strength design method, involves a
two-way safety measure.
The first of which
involves using load factors, usually greater than unity to increase the service
The second safety
measure specified by the ACI Code involves a strength reduction factor
multiplied by the nominal strength to obtain design strength. The magnitude of
such a reduction factor is usually smaller than unity
Concrete Beam Behavior:
A small transverse load is placed on a
concrete beam with tensile reinforcing and that the load is gradually increased
in magnitude until the beam fails. As this takes place the beam will go through
three distinct stages before collapse occurs.
These are: (1) the un-cracked concrete stage,
(2) the concrete cracked-elastic stresses stage, and (3) the ultimate-strength
stage. A relatively long beam is considered for this discussion so that shear
will not have a large effect on its behavior.
1- Un-cracked
Concrete Stage.
At small loads when the
tensile stresses are less than the modulus of rupture (the bending tensile
stress at which the concrete begins to crack), the entire cross section of the
beam resists bending, with compression on one side and tension on the other.
Fig. 1 shows the variation of stresses and strains for these small loads.
2- Concrete
Cracked-Elastic Stresses Stage
As the load is increased after the modulus
of rupture of the concrete is exceeded, cracks begin to develop in the bottom
of the beam. The moment at which these cracks begin to form (when the tensile
stress in the bottom of the beam equals the modulus of rupture) the cracking
moment, Mcr.
As the load is further increased, these
cracks quickly spread up to the vicinity of the neutral axis, and then the
neutral axis begins to move upward. The cracks occur at those places along the
beam where the actual moment is greater than the cracking moment, as shown in
Fig. 2(a). Now that
the bottom has cracked, another stage is present because the concrete in the
cracked zone obviously cannot resist tensile stresses-the steel must do it.
This stage will continue as long as the compression stress in the top fibers is
less than about
as long as the steel stress is less than its yield stress.
stresses and strains for this range are shown in Fig. 2(b). In this stage the
compressive stresses vary linearly with the distance from the neutral axis or
as a straight line. The straight-line stress-strain variation normally occurs
in reinforced concrete beams under normal service-load conditions because at
those loads the stresses are generally less than
. To compute the concrete and steel stresses in this
range, the transformed-area method is used.
The service or working loads are the loads
that are assumed to actually occur when a structure is in use or service. Under
these loads, moments develop which are considerably larger than the
cracking moments. Obviously the tensile side of the beam will be cracked.
Fig. 1: un-cracked concrete section.
Fig. 2: Concrete cracked-elastic stresses stage.
Beam Failure Ultimate-Strength Stage
As the load is increased further so that the
compressive stresses are greater than
the tensile
cracks move further upward, as does the neutral axis, and the concrete
compression stresses begin to change appreciably from a straight line. For this
initial discussion it is assumed that the reinforcing bars have yielded. The
stress variation is much like that shown in Fig. 3.
Fig. 3: Ultimate-strength stage.
To illustrate the three stages of beam behavior
which have been described, a moment-curvature diagram is shown in Fig. 4. For this diagram,
is the angle change of the beam section over a
certain length and is computed by the following expression in which
is the strain in a beam fiber at some distance
y from the neutral axis of the beam:
When the moment is increased beyond the
cracking moment, the slope of the curve will decrease a little because the beam
is not quite as stiff as it was in the initial stage before the concrete cracked.
The diagram will follow almost a straight line from Mcr to the point where the reinforcing is stressed to its
yield point. Until the steel yields, a fairly large additional load is required
to appreciably increase the beam’s deflection. After
the steel yields, the beam has very little additional moment capacity, and only
a small additional load is required to substantially increase rotations as well
as deflections. The slope of the diagram is now very flat.
Fig. 4: Moment-curvature
diagram for reinforced
concrete beam with
tensile reinforcing only.
The area of reinforcing as a percentage of
the total cross-sectional area of a beam is quite small (usually 2% or less),
and its effect on the beam properties is almost negligible as long as the beam
is un-cracked. Therefore an approximate calculation of the bending stresses in
such a beam can be obtained based on the gross properties of the beam’s cross
section. The stress in the concrete at any point a distance Y from the neutral
axis of the cross section can be determined from the following:
Section of the ACI Code states
that the cracking moment of a section may be determined with ACI Equation 9-9,
normal weight concrete with f'c in MPa).The cracking moment is as follows:
a) Assuming the concrete is un-cracked, compute the
bending stresses in the extreme fibers
of the beam below for a bending moment of 25kN.m. The concrete has an f'c of 25MPa
and a modulus of rupture
Stresses -Concrete Cracked
When the bending moment is sufficiently
large to cause the tensile stress in the extreme fibers to be greater than the
modulus of rupture, it is assumed that all of the concrete on the tensile
side of the beam is cracked and must be neglected in the flexure
calculations. The
cracking moment of a beam is normally quite small compared to the service load moment.
The bottom of the beam cracks while load applied. The cracking of the
does not necessarily mean that the beam is going to fail. The reinforcing bars
on the tensile side begin to pick up the tension caused by the applied moment.
On the tensile side of the beam an
assumption of perfect bond is made between the reinforcing bars and the
concrete. Thus the strain in the concrete and in the steel will be equal
at equal distances from the neutral axis. But if the strains in the two
materials at a particular point are the same, their stresses cannot be the same
since they have different modulus of elasticity. Thus their stresses are in
proportion to the ratio of their modulus of elasticity. The ratio of the steel
modulus to the concrete modulus is called the modular ratio n:
If the modular ratio for a particular beam
is 10, the stress in the steel will be 10 times the stress in the concrete at
the same distance from the neutral axis (as in Fig. 5).
Fig. 5:
distribution of stresses.
The steel bars are replaced with an
equivalent area of fictitious concrete (nAs referred to as the transformed area) which supposedly can
resist tension. On the tensile side a dashed line is shown because the diagram
is discontinuous, the concrete is assumed to be cracked and unable to resist
tension. The value shown opposite the steel is fs/n because it must be multiplied by
n to give the
steel stress is.
The steps that
to be taken necessary for determining the stresses and resisting moments for
reinforced concrete beams are:
Locate the neutral axis, which is assumed to be located a distance
x from the compression surface of the beam.
The first moment of the compression area of the beam cross section
about the neutral axis must equal the first moment of the tensile area about
the neutral axis. The resulting quadratic equation can be solved by completing
the squares or by using the quadratic formula.
After the neutral axis is located, the moment of inertia of the
transformed section is calculated, and the stresses in the concrete and the
steel are computed with the flexure formula.
Ex. 2:
Calculate the moment of inertia and all the stresses for the beam shown below
having n= 9 and fr= 3.1Mpa and different stages of loading.
small moment M=
35kN.m ,
medium moment (M= cracked moment) ,
large moment M= 95kN.m,
if the allowable stresses are fc = 9.3 MPa and
fs =140 MPa find the moment capacity of cracked section. )
For small
moment all the section (concrete and steel ) will support the loads the steel
area will be equal to (n-1) As then:
Area moment above neutral axis =
area moment under neutral axis
determine cracked moment equal
M=95 kN.m the section will be cracked and area of concrete under tension under
neutral axis will be neglected as shown in figure below:
Ex. 3: Calculate the bending stresses in the beam shown in Figure
below by using the transformed area method: n = 9 and M = 90kN.m.
Taking Moments about Neutral Axis
Ex.4: Determine
the moment of inertia for the section shown below (n=9):
and L- sections:
analysis of these sections depend on position of neutral axis
analysis let y = hf then find moment of area
Ex. 5: For the beam shown determine
the moment of inertia if
Ex. 6:
For the beam shown determine the moment of inertia if n=9:
Doubly reinforced sections
(With compression reinforcement):
For some reason we need to use
compression reinforcement as well as to tension reinforcement which will
increase the section capacity, reduce deflection at late ages, and joins the shear or web reinforcement.
calculate the bending stresses then
Ex.7: For the beam shown determine the bending stresses if M=200kN.m
and n = 10:
calculate the bending stresses then
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