POWER PLANT: PAINTING Mechanical Equipment-Plaster, Cement, Concrete - consulting


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Friday, 19 March 2021

POWER PLANT: PAINTING Mechanical Equipment-Plaster, Cement, Concrete




  Mechanical Equipment

Equipment - such as pumps, motors, gearboxes, bearings, switchboards, control and relay panels, distribution boxes, transformers, turbines, generators.

At Manufacturers’ Works

Pre-treatment: Blasting according to SIS 055900, Grade: SA 2 1/2. Degreasing, rinsing, pickling, or phosphating.

Prime coat:       2-pack epoxy polyamide primer. Dry film thickness 50 microns.
Intermediate coat:        2-pack epoxy polyamide tie coat. Dry film thickness 50 microns.
Finish coat:       2-pack aliphatic polyurethane. Dry film thickness 50 microns.
            Total system dry film thickness 150 microns.
Equipment supplied with manufacturer's standard can be approved if the quality of the coating system meets the quality of above system.

If this system does not receive approval, 2-pack self-priming high build epoxy should be used as a tie coat.

            Steel Floors, etc.
Steel floors, chequer plates, galleries, stairways, walkways, kick steps, etc.

At Manufacturers’ Works

Surface preparation:     Blasting according to SIS 055900, Grade: SA 2 1/2
Primer-optional:           Depending on production flow, a weldable single pack inorganic ethyl, zinc silicate shop-primer may be used. Dry film thickness 15-20 microns.
Prime coat:       Single pack inorganic ethyl zinc silicate. Dry film thickness 75 microns.

At Site
Surface preparation:     Thorough cleaning to remove oil, grease, dirt, and other contaminants. Dusting of all mechanical damage according to SIS 055900, Grade: ST 3
            Touch-up with 2-pack self-priming aluminum-containing high build epoxy. Dry film thickness 75-100 microns
Intermediate coat:        2-pack epoxy polyamide. Thickness 100 microns.
Finish coat:       2-pack epoxy polyamide. A dry film with non-skid properties. Dry film thickness 100 microns.
            Total system dry film thickness 275 microns.

            Plaster, Cement, Concrete or Brickwork requiring Paint Finish

At Site

Surface preparation:     Thorough cleaning to remove oil, grease, dirt and any loose material.

            Emulsion Paint Finish
Finish coat:       3 coats of Acrylic Latex Dry film thickness 30 microns per coat
Filler:    Use masonry filler as required to produce smooth and dense surface.

            Gloss Paint Finish
Prime coat:       Water-based epoxy primer.

Filler:    Water-based epoxy filler as required to produce smooth and dense surface.

Intermediate coat:        Water-based epoxy. Dry film thickness 50 microns.

Finish coat:       Water-based epoxy. Dry film thickness 50 microns.

            Total system dry film thickness 100 microns.

        Bitumen Coated Items Requiring Paint Finish

At Site

Surface preparation:     Thorough cleaning to remove oil, grease and dirt.

Primer: 2-pack epoxy aluminum. Dry film thickness 100 microns.

Intermediate coat:        1-pack alkyd undercoat. Dry film thickness 35 microns.

Finish:  1-pack alkyd finish. Dry film thickness 35 microns.

            Total system dry film thickness 170 microns.

Battery Rooms and Chemical attack area

For battery rooms and chemical attack areas chemical resistant, files shall be provided for floor & walls.

          Carbon Steel Surfaces Insulated

Carbon steel surfaces insulated such as pipe, tanks and vessels' exterior surfaces.

Temperatures up to 400°C

At Manufacturers’ Works

Surface preparation:     Blasting according to SIS 055900, Grade: SA 2 1/2
Primer-optional:           Depending on production flow, a weldable single pack inorganic ethyl, zinc silicate shop-primer may be used. Dry film thickness 15-25 microns.
Prime coat:       Single pack inorganic zinc silicate Dry film thickness 75 microns.
            Total system dry film thickness min. 75 microns.

          floors Requiring Oil Resistant Surface

Areas where concrete flooring is required to be protected from chemical attack or damage by oil, or high abrasion.

At Site

Surface preparation:     Prepare concrete by abrasive sweep blasting to remove any laitance from the surface.

Prime coat:       Apply one coat of epoxy primer/sealer to concrete. Primer shall meet the moisture retention requirement of ASTM C 309 and be able to be applied as a concrete curing compound. Primer shall also offer an overcoating period of up to one year.

Finish coat:       Apply by spray one coat of 100% solids silica filled epoxy to achieve 4 mm total dry film thickness in one coat.

          Floors Requiring Dust-free Surface

Concrete floors which are required to be dust-free and which are exposed to light traffic.

At Site

Surface preparation:     Prepare concrete by abrasive sweep blasting to remove any laitance from the surface.

Prime coat:       Apply one coat of epoxy primer-sealer to concrete. Primer shall meet the moisture retention requirement of ASTM C 309 and be able to be applied as a concrete curing compound. Primer shall also offer an over-coating period of up to one year.

Finish coats:      2 coats of 2-pack water-based epoxy. Dry film thickness 50 microns per coat. Solids by volume min. 50%


The various operations during the execution of painting and of the corrosion protection works are to be performed according to the preceding provisions and are subject to intermediate inspections and a preliminary/final acceptance by the Company/Engineer.

 These tests are carried out in the workshop and on-site; all possibilities are to be given to the Company/Engineer so that they can carry out the tests at site properly. Without the prescribed intermediate inspections at the site, which should be made known by the Contractor, the final acceptance may be refused by the Company/Engineer.

Intermediate inspections are necessary for all painting systems

-           After cleaning, dusting, or blasting, as well as when repairs become necessary: Degree of cleaning, the profile or anchor pattern.

-           After applying the priming coats: Random sample measurements of dry film thickness.

-           Before the last final coat: measurements of the dry film thickness of possibly no longer accessible surfaces, removal of faults in the coating to obtain a clean finish.

-           Before the last topcoat: Holiday and pinholes tests with the pinhole detector, if in normal operation the relevant surface is permanently immersed.

-           After the last final coat of all coating systems: Performance of the final total dry film thickness measurements and determination of the quality of the surface.

Where special coats are concerned, it is sometimes necessary to constantly check the course of the weather to avoid being below the dew point.

 Tests and acceptance are to be specially specified as far as special paint and coating systems are concerned. They shall be dealt with accordingly.

All tests are to be announced in time and have to be coordinated so that no interruptions in erection work arise; respectively no waiting periods for further paint to occur.

All necessary measuring and testing apparatus is to be maintained in good condition by the Contractor during the entire erection period.

All measuring results are to be entered by the contractor on corresponding forms and lists and handed over to the Company/Engineer.

If certificates for coating systems with special requirements are necessary, these must be submitted for acceptance.


The entire work of painting and corrosion protection is to be inspected by the Company/Engineer.

 During the guarantee period and before the Final acceptance Certificate is issued, in case of need the following repair procedures shall be applied:

All repairs during the guarantee period whether touch-up or complete repainting shall be performed in strict accordance with the specified workmanship standards. Changes of specifications during the guarantee period must be approved by the Company/ Engineer.
Immersion conditions
The necessary touch-up shall be performed by spot blasting the defective area to SA 2 1/2.
The edges of the sound paint should be feathered by grinding. The painting will then be carried out by the original specification.
Exposure conditions
Repairs shall be carried out by the repair procedure given in these requirements.


The Contractor shall bear the full responsibility for all losses and damages that occur through inadequate painting and corrosion protection and shall make repairs or replacements at his cost.

The Contractor shall bear the full responsibility for paint and corrosion protection applied by him on surfaces primed or painted by others.

The Contractor shall not be responsible for mechanical damages and paint injury and damage caused by maintenance equipment.

 The responsibility of the Contractor ceases also if the paint is subjected to conditions deviating from the conditions for which the paint has been specified.




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