Tender committees for electricity transmission poles - consulting


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Saturday, 10 July 2021

Tender committees for electricity transmission poles

 Tender committees for electricity transmission poles

Bid Study Committee and Technical Decision

- Preparing the tender for publicity.

 Reviewing the bid documents before publication.

 - Review specifications, technical conditions, and drawings before publication.

 - Reviewing the bills of quantities and the required numbers before publication.

 - Responding to technical inquiries of suppliers.

- Technical decision of the bid suppliers.

Preparing the technical report of the decision committee and submitting it to the office of the requesting authority and transferring it to the attribution committee and issuing the supply order.


Bid Opening Committee

Determining the date of the opening of the envelopes opening session by the requesting party.

The number of the envelope-opening committee is set to a maximum of six, consisting of a committee chair, a committee clerk, 2 engineers from the requesting party, a financial officer, and a legal official.

- Each supplier submits a bid before the specified date for the envelopes opening session in the place specified by the requesting party.

- The session clerk records the suppliers submitting the bid and records their names and supplier numbering.

- The committee chair reviews the tender documents (authorization letter for the bid - letter of guarantee - technical offer - documents of the supplier from the commercial register, tax card, and previous works - tender documents - a copy of the tender purchase receipt).

The chairman of the committee prepares the minutes of the meeting, and it is signed by the committee members and suppliers present at the bid opening session.

Committee for Issuance of Supply Order and Follow-up

- The official from the requesting party, after approval, sends the technical decision report to the committee for issuing the supply order and follow-up. The committee, after receiving the final technical report, sends a letter of intent to the supplier with a notification of acceptance of the bid.

- The committee issues the supply order to the supplier specifying the preparation and final amount of the supply order, the advance payment, and the payment system.

 - The committee notifies the supplier of the preparation of the advance payment letter and the final insurance letter for the bid.

- The committee notifies the financial administration of the requesting party to issue the advance payment check against the advance letter.

The committee notifies the financial department of the party requesting the payment of the suppliers' dues according to the documents attached to the supplier's invoice, which are the minutes of receipt and inspection of the product.

Inspection, Receipt and Stores Committee

- The committee passes by the supplier in the stages of manufacturing the columns to conduct a phased inspection.

The committee performs the final inspection of the items of the supply order.

- The committee makes the final receipt of the items of the supply order and delivers a copy of it to the supplier, a copy of it to the requesting party, and a copy of it to be kept in the inspection department.

The warehouse officials receive the items of the supply orders.

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