General Instructions - Regulation and Quality Sector - consulting


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Wednesday, 4 August 2021

General Instructions - Regulation and Quality Sector



electrical generation sector

- Regulation and Quality Sector

General Instructions 


This report contains a description of the guidelines for preparing general instructions and includes the following parts:

1- Define terms

2- Entities responsible for general instructions.

3- Validity of consent

4- Sets of control numbers and the bodies responsible for them

5- How to formulate general instructions

6- General instructions form

1- Definition of terms:

General instructions are a set of instructions affecting several sectors or the company as a whole and aiming to clarify the procedures required to obtain a service or to carry out work.

2- Entities responsible for general instructions:

2-1 The Department of Regulation Studies - Regulation and Quality Sector, which carries out the following tasks:

 2-1-1 It sets the procedures that define the form for the general instructions and their appendices and the method of publishing, distributing, and approving them.

2-1-2 Specify control numbers for each responsible administration to be used in designing the instructions issued by that administration.

  2-1-3 maintains an updated master index of all general instructions and their appendices.

2-2 Responsible management and carry out the following tasks:

2-2-1 The general instructions / their annexes are prepared according to the approved form.

2-2-2 Review the new or amended instructions in coordination with all other concerned departments before submitting them To the Department of Regulation Studies / Regulation and Quality Sector.

2-2-3 Review all its general instructions and its annexes periodically (every two years at least) to ensure that they still fulfill their purpose.

2-2-4 Each of the General Instructions and the Annexes they issue is assigned a number from the set of numbers that were assigned to it by the Department of Regulation Studies / Regulation and Quality Sector (as explained in Part 4-2).

2-2-5 It maintains its own historical index containing the number, address, and date of issuance of the general instructions/previous annexes.

 2-2-6 A copy of any new or amended General Instructions/Annexes or of any cancellation notice shall be sent to the Department of   Regulation studies/regulation and quality sector in order to update the main index data.

2-2-7 The general instructions, amendments, annexes, or cancellation notices shall be distributed to all concerned departments.

 3- Powers of approval: General instructions, attachments, attachments, and cancellation notices are issued with the signature of the responsible authority (department manager and above) in the accreditation box at the top of the page.

4- Sets of control numbers and the departments responsible for them:

4-1 The department responsible for a specific activity is the only department that has the right to issue general instructions regarding that activity.

4-2 The Department of Organization Studies/Regulation and Quality Sector determines the identification numbers of general instructions for each department.

         An example from the Saudi Electricity Company/Regulation and Quality Sector/Regulation Studies Department:

It is assigned the set of numbers (GI 07040-000 to (GI 07040-999). The number (GI 07040-001) is used for these general instructions while GI 07040-001.1) is used for its first appendix.

4 -3 groups of control numbers and the departments responsible for them are shown on the annexed page 4.

5- How to formulate general instructions:

All general instructions and their annexes are written in clear and concise language. Technical jargon and overloading with details should be avoided.

6- General instructions form:

All general instructions and their attachments are prepared on the general instructions form (attached herewith). These instructions are printed on the required form.

6-1 The page titles are filled with correct information and include the issuing authority (the department - sector), the subject, the general instructions number (as shown in paragraphs 4-2), and the date of issuance (in Hijri and Gregorian terms). In the event that the general instructions replace previous instructions, the general instructions number is specified previously.

6.2 The numbering of paragraphs is done according to the decimal system (as used in this paragraph).

6-2-1 The main paragraphs are numbered sequentially starting with the number “1” and continuing until the end of the general instructions or the annex. For example, the paragraph titled “How to formulate general instructions” is the main paragraph and has been given the number “5”, as well as the paragraph entitled “Form for General Instructions” has been given the number “6”.

6-2-2 Sub-paragraphs are numbered sequentially by adding a dash and additional numbers always beginning with the number “1”. This paragraph, for example, is a sub-paragraph and its number is "6-2-2".

6-3 Paragraph Headings: Headings should be used for all main paragraphs. Headings for subparagraphs can be used for easy reference.

6-3-1 Paragraph headings are given a darker color, followed by two dots.

6.3.2 Subparagraph headings are the first words of the first sentence in the subparagraph. All the words that make up the title are given a dark color and underlined. See sub-paragraph 6-1 page headings and sub-paragraph 6-2 “Paragraph Numbering”.

6 -4 The spacing should be as follows:

Paragraph numbers are placed along the right margin. Sub-paragraph numbers must align with the text of the previous paragraph. The correct numbering of paragraphs and the method of defining the commas are described in these General Instructions.

6-5 margin

It should be three print spaces from the vertical line on the right side of the form. The same should be applied to the left margin.. All sub-paragraphs should be spaced as shown in the form for general instructions.

6-6 changes

Those entering on the general instructions or on their appendix are marked with one asterisk (*) to the right of the paragraph number. This mark is printed at the bottom of the "See under this form" general instruction form.

6-7 additions

Which are entered on the general instructions or the appendix are marked with two asterisks (**) to the right of the paragraph number. This mark is also printed at the bottom of the "See under this form" general instruction form.

6-8 General Instructions that are completely new or that have undergone substantial changes are marked with an “X” in a box at the bottom of the General Instructions form “See the bottom of this form.”

 (The control numbers shown below are based on the approved interim organizational structure
At the level

Responsible administration number set

GI 01000-999 - GI 01000-000 CEO Office

GI 02000-999 - GI 02000-000 Executive Vice President, Obstetrics

GI 02010-999 - GI 02010-000 Vice President, Generation Operations, Central Business District

GI 02011-999 - GI 02011-000 Engineering and Project Management

GI 02012-999 - GI 02012-000 Management...

GI 02013-999 - GI 02013-000 Management...

GI 02014-999 - GI 02014-000 Management...

GI 02020-999 - GI 02020-000 Vice President, Generation Operations, Western Business District

GI 02021-999 - GI 02021-000 Engineering and Project Management

GI 02022-999 - GI 02022-000 Management...

GI 02023-999 - GI 02023-000 Management...

GI 02024-999 - GI 02024-000 Management...

GI 02030-999 - GI 02030-000 Vice President of Obstetrics Operations, Eastern Business District

GI 02031-999 - GI 02031-000 Engineering and Project Management

GI 02032-999 - GI 02032-000 Management...

GI 02033-999 - GI 02033-000 Administration...

GI 02034-999 - GI 02034-000 Administration...

GI 02040-999 - GI 02040-000 Vice President, Generation Operations, Southern Business District

GI 02041-999 - GI 02041-000 Engineering and Project Management

GI 02042-999 - GI 02042-000 Administration...

GI 02043-999 - GI 02043-000 Management...

GI 02044-999 - GI 02044-000 Administration...

 Responsible administration number set

GI 03000-999 - GI 03000-000 Executive Vice President Office of Transportation

GI 03010-999 - GI 03010-000 Interconnected Network Vice President's Office

GI 03011-999 - GI 03011-000 Administration ...

GI 03012-999 - GI 03012-000 Administration...

GI 03013-999 - GI 03013-000 Manage ...

GI 03014-999 - GI 03014-000 Administration...

GI 03020-999 - GI 03020-000 Advanced Network Vice President Office

GI 03021-999 - GI 03021-000 Administration...

GI 03022-999 - GI 03022-000 Administration ...

GI 03023-999 - GI 03023-000 Administration...

GI 03024-999 - GI 03024-000 Administration ...

GI 03030-999 - GI 03030-000 Vice President Office of Engineering and Projects

GI 03031-999 - GI 03031-000 Administration...

GI 03032-999 - GI 03032-000 Administration ...

GI 03033-999 - GI 03033-000 Administration...

GI 03034-999 - GI 03034-000 Administration...

GI 03040-999 - GI 03040-000 Vice President Office of Transportation Facilities Planning and Development

GI 03041-999 - GI 03041-000 Administration...

GI 03042-999 - GI 03042-000 Administration...

GI 03043-999 - GI 03043-000 Administration...

GI 03044-999 - GI 03044-000 Administration ...

GI 03050-999 - GI 03050-000 Vice President Office of Business and Wholesale Sales

GI 03051-999 - GI 03051-000 Administration...

GI 03052-999 - GI 03052-000 Administration ...

GI 03053-999 - GI 03053-000 Manage ...

GI 03054-999 - GI 03054-000 Administration ...



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