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Ref.   :

07 -          - 0801110

Date  :

          /           / 2007     (         /          /1428H)        



Fax No.:  «F2»


Attention   :    GENERAL MANAGER           


Subject     :                CONTRACT NO. 10721026/00

                        CONSTRUCTION OF POWER PLANT NO. 10 IN RIYADH


Pre-Bid Clarification No. 1 (Q1 – Q31)




Please find below Saudi Electricity Company (SEC) answers to your questions. Please consider these clarifications in preparing your bid.


Q1.    Volume 1, Schedule “A”, Clause 12.1, Temporary Structures: We understand that all storage areas and temporary structures of CONTRACTOR can be constructed in the COMPANY premises. Please confirm whether our understanding is correct. Also please let us know whether COMPANY premises shall be provided to the CONTRACTOR free of charge.


A1.     PP10 Project is new and there is space available in the proposed plot for the future extension of the power plant. When the site will be handed over to the contractor, they can make temporary storage and other facilities related exclusively to PP10 requirements, during the project execution. There is no designated area for such facility. Contractor can choose the location on the basis of their proposed lay out, having no affect on the work progress.  


Q2.    Volume 1, ITP/Commercial, Proposal, Clause 15, Documents to be submitted together with bids. Please provide us Appendix I, II, III and IV as per the tender document.


A2.      These Appendices are not issued to the Bidders together with the Bid Package. Bidders to provide the statements/list required under Paragraph 15 of the Instructions to Bidders for Commercial Proposal as appendices to their Commercial Proposals.


Q3.    Volume 1, Schedule “A”, Clause 18 & Schedule “B”, Attachment II, Warranty Period and Operating Spare Parts: We have difficulty in differentiating between one (1) year period of warranty and 38 months after contract effective date for Final Acceptance Date. The end of one (1) year warranty shall trigger the release of Final Acceptance Certificate and shall relieve the contractor of the responsibility to supply operating spare parts. However, there will be three (3) months gap between the completion of one (1) year warranty and FAC, in case of first 1,000MW simple cycle. We kindly request your clarification for the final objective of contract.


A3.     Warranty Period shall be one [1] year from Preliminary Acceptance Date. Contract Duration (Contract Effective Date up to the Final Acceptance Date) shall be thirty-eight [38] Gregorian months. The Contract Effective Date shall be the same as the date the Contractor signs the Contract. The conditions for Final Acceptance are as indicated in Paragraph 17.7 (Final Acceptance) of Schedule "A". There is only one Final Acceptance Date for the Project. Contractor shall provide the "Start-up Spare Parts" up to Preliminary Acceptance of the Power Plant Unit. "Operating Spare Parts" to be supplied by Contractor shall be for use by SEC during operation after the Warranty Period. 


Q4.    Volume II, Part 2, Section 3, Clause 3.3.22, Temporary office building for company’s use: How many engineers/personnel will be resided in 300 square meters? It is required to define the number of furniture, office equipment, etc.


A4.     Number of Engineers and other personnel in temporary office building shall be fifty (50).


Q5.    Volume II, Part 2, Section 1.3, Section3, 3.2.1 b), Topographic Survey, Final grading:

Please kindly provide topographic survey report and finish ground level required for site preparation from current level. 


A5.     All Bidders shall perform their own site survey and soil investigation according to Part-2 Section-3 Clause3.2.2.


Finish ground level required for the site preparation shall be as per bid requirement (refer to Part-2 Section-3 Clauses 3.2.2 & 3.2.4, also refer to Part-3 Section-1 Clauses 1.2.2 & 1.2.3).


Q6.    Volume II, Part 4, Section-3A, 1.0, Fuel Oil Pipeline: Bidder is requested to consider approved company by ARAMCO for this work as mandatory requirement. Pursuant to this requirement, please kindly provide approved company list by ARAMCO for this work.


A6.     Please refer to the attached list.


Q7.    Volume II, Part 9, Section 1, Clause 9, In-factory training: Please kindly define the number of trainee for in-factory training to estimate all related expenditures as per said Part 9, Section 1, Clause 9.5.  


A7.     In pricing schedule, unit rate for such training is required. Depending upon the type/model of the proposed GTG units, the number of such trainees shall be discussed and decided during the technical negotiation stage.


Q8.    Volume II, Part 4, Section 3A, Clause 1.0: Crude oil piping from ARAMCO interface point to the crude oil storage tanks fuel piping system as required at the Riyadh power Plant No.10. Please kindly provide us with the followings;

1.   Drawings showing the location of ARAMCO interface point and route from ARAMCO interface point to Riyadh PP10 Power Plant, as the same are not enclosed in the specification.

2.   Fuel pressure and size in the east- west pipe line at the tap off points.

3.   Confirmation of availability of incoming power supply for electrical & control system feeding to crude oil main pumps and associated auxiliaries system, if required.


A8.     Please find Dwg # BA-247846 attached to this Pre-Bid Clarification No. 1.


Interface point from Aramco to PP-10 shall be either at the Riyadh refinery or at ARAMCO east-west pipeline.


Q9.    Volume II, Part 4, Section 3B, Clause 1.0, Fuel gas pipeline & metering station from ARAMCO interface point to Custody metering station at the Riyadh power Plant No.10. Please kindly provide us with the following;

1.  Drawing showing the location of tie-in point of fuel gas pipeline at Saudi Aramco’s   Supply header of east-west pipeline and route to Custody Transfer metering skid.

2.   Pipe size of the east-west pipe line at Saudi Aramco end.


A9.     Please find Dwg # BA-247846 attached to this Pre-Bid Clarification No. 1.


Location of tie-in point of fuel gas pipeline shall be at ARAMCO gas pipeline (56”).

Route shall be approved during design engineering stage.

Pipe size of east-west pipeline is 56”.


Q10. NOx, DLN (Part-2, Section-2, General Technical Requirements for Environmental Aspects, Para 2.2.2, page 2.2.6: As the Gas Turbine is to be designed to burn Crude Oil, Dry Low NOx (DLN) combustion systems are not available for such application.  SEC has not elected in the past to reduce NOx emissions by use of water injection technology in diffusion combustors. Is this still the case or is water injection desired. If water injection is required, is water available in sufficient quantities? As a follow up, is SEC aware of the significant resulting impact on inspection / maintenance intervals?


A10.   It is confirmed that the requirement is for the Dry Low NOx (DLN) type combustion system. If for any GT model the DLN type combustion system is not available on crude oil operation then the Bidder can propose the water injection system as an option. In this case the following should be categorically specified:


1.   Quality and quantity of water required.

2.   Impact on inspection and maintenance intervals.

3.   Impact on combustion components if any.

4.   Impact on the GT power output.


Q11.   Plant Altitude Required (Part-2, Section-1, Design Guidelines, Para 1.2.1.j, Page 2.1.2):

This information is critical to finalizing the number of GT units required. Please provide this information.


A11.  All Bidders have already visited the proposed site. They shall carry out the topographical survey of the site and make assessment of the site elevation.


Q12. Indoor Vs Outdoors (Part-1, Section-1, Project Overall Description, Para 1.2.3, Page 1.1.1): We have noticed a recent trend that SEC has been utilizing an outdoor configuration for the “E Class” gas turbine units.  As SEC is asking for an indoor configuration in PP10, please clarify if an alternative offer for an outdoor installation is acceptable. Please clarify if there is a special need for having an indoor configuration.


A12.  Indoor configuration is final and no optional proposal for outdoor configuration is required.


Q13.  Please provide a complete natural gas analysis (Part-4, Section-1, Mechanical, Fuel Spec) as this is critical for the design of the plant/equipment.


A13.    Fuel analysis for liquid as well as gas fuel is attached.    


Q14.   Inlet Chiller option with the implication on a vertical filter inlet house design (Part-4, Section-1, Mechanical, Para 2.3.14, page 4.1.25): The horizontal filter arrangement is the only option that can be offered if the units have to be designed for the future application of a chiller system.  No vertical filter design inlet house is available that can accommodate the addition of a chiller at this point.  Is it permissible to supply a horizontal filter inlet house design?


A14.  There shall be provision in the air intake duct for installation of air cooling coils and droplet catchers in future, without any modification to the filter house and associated duct works. The filter configuration and the selection of the filter house shall be made on the basis of this requirement.


Q15.  Compartment Pressurization vs. Indoor Application (Part-4, Section-1, Mechanical, Para 2.3.2.d, Page 4.1.6): Our understanding is that Compartment Pressurization would be required only if the units are outdoor. Please confirm that Compartment Pressurization is only required with an outdoor installation.


A15.  The specific requirement is for the gas turbine components such as exhaust frame blowers etc.


Q16.   Off Frequency Operation (Part-4, Section-1, Mechanical, Para 2.3.2.a.ii, Page 4.1.5) The SEC specification states GTs. shall be able to deliver power output in stable condition within the system frequency range of 57.5 to 62.5Hz without any significant increase in vibration levels or mechanical stress.   While Bidder confirms compliance with the above, it should be recognized that during under frequency operation, the power output of the unit will be proportionately reduced.  As a result, it is assumed that this off-frequency operation requirement is not Grid Code related.  Grid Codes often require that unit power output be maintained during under frequency conditions.  These Units will not have the capability for over firing.   Please clarify that this need is not required for Grid Code Requirement compliance.


A16.   Bidder shall comply with what is stated in the specification.


Q17.   Hydrogen Sulphide Conditions (Part-1, Section-1, Project Overall Description Para 1.2.4, Page 1.1.1): The SEC specification states, “The new Power Plant will be located south of Riyadh close to Al-Kharj Road, at approximately 18-kilometers away from Riyadh Refinery.”  Please clarify if Hydrogen Sulphide is present in the Atmosphere at the Site.  If so, please identify the concentration level.


A17.   During the site visit, location of the plant was identified. Bidder shall take environmental samples as necessary for the analysis and assessment of any required data.


Q18.   Training (Part-9, Section-1, Training Para 9, Page 12): The SEC specification states “COMPANY shall select a number of COMPANY personnel [engineers/ technicians] from its Operation and Maintenance staff to be trained In-Factory.”  Please confirm the number of personnel to be trained in Factory.


A18.   In pricing schedule, unit rate for such training is required. Depending upon the type/model of the proposed GTG units, the number of such trainees shall be discussed and decided during the technical negotiation stage.


Q19.   Spares List (Part-8, Section-1, Plant Maintainability & Accessibility General Design, Para 6.1.1.a & b., Page 8.1.21): In previous projects, SEC has provided a specific list of "strategic" spares parts for the Bidders to include in their proposals. Please provide required "strategic" spare parts list.


A19.  Depending upon the type and model of the GTG units proposed by the Bidder, it is the responsibility of Bidder to propose the required strategic spare parts.


Q20.             Vol. 2 Part 2: SEC to provide the list of Workshop Machine Tools, Electrical Tools and Instrument Tools.


A20.    Refer to Part 8 Section1, Plant Maintainability.


Q21.   Vol. 2 Part 3, Sec 1: SEC to advise how the rail way will be connected from the GT hall to the new workshop.


A21.   The railway track shall be laid down between the lay down area of the GT buildings and the workshop as per the rout shown on the attached plant layout drawing.


Q22.   Vol. 2 Part 4, Sec. 1 Clause 1.2.1 Page1, Two heavy duty Cranes in each Turbine Hall: SEC to define if these two Cranes are required for each G.T. hall or each block (4 GTs).


A22.   Two heavy duty cranes are required for each turbine hall.


Q23.   Vol. 2. Part4, Sec.2, Clause 1.7.2 Page 8: SEC to define the quantity of treated & untreated crude oil storage tanks.


A23.   As per clause 1.7.2, the number of treated crude oil tanks shall not be less than six (6).  However, size and number of untreated crude oil storage tank shall be proposed by the bidder in compliance with the requirements of fuel treatment system as per SEC requirements specified in Vol.2 Part 4. Sec 3A.


Q24.   Vol. 2  Part 4, Sec. 2, Clause 1.7.2 Page  8,  Crude oil storage tank type is considered as open double deck floating roof & no fixed roof. SEC to advise.


A24.   Refer to Vol 2. Part 4, Sec.2 clause 1.7.4, page 8.


Q25.   Vol. 2 Part 4 Sec. 2, Clause 3.5 Page 37: Our understanding for simple cycle is that Wadi raw water will be transferred by tanks to PP10 site and two water treatment plants & tanks (softened & drinking) will be provided only. In the second phase, new tanks, R.O. & Demin. Plants will be provided. Please advise if our understanding is correct. On the other hand, SEC to define all possible sources of raw water keeping in mind that if sewage treated water is used, then it will not be used for potable water.


A25.   Bidder to note that all Demin. water requirements for the proposed Simple Cycle Plant are to be met in this phase. Combined Cycle will be in the next phase of the plant. Sewage treated water will not be used for potable water requirements and provisions for interfacing with municipal water shall be provided in this Simple Cycle phase of the Power Plant.


Q26.   Vol. 2 Part 4, Sec. 3A Clause 1 Page  1,  SEC to provide the Crude Fuel Oil Pipeline, Tie-in  location and the right of way for pipeline.


A26.   Please find Dwg # BA-247846 attached to this Pre-Bid Clarification No. 1.


Interface point from Aramco to PP-10 shall be either at the Riyadh refinery or at ARAMCO east-west pipeline.


Q27.   Vol. 2 Part 4 Sec 3A Page 1, SEC to provide the Arab light crude analysis for the following constituents:




*Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S)






*Flash Point

*Carbon residual


A27.    Crude oil analysis attached.


Q28.   Vol. 2 Part 4, Sec.3B Page 1: SEC to provide the Fuel Gas analysis.


A28.   Gas fuel analysis attached.


Q29.   Vol. 2 Part 4, Sec. 3B Clause 5.2 Page 2, SEC to provide the Fuel Gas Pipeline route, Tie-in, location and the right of way for pipeline.


A29.   Find attached Dwg # BA-247846 attached to this Pre-Bid Clarification No. 1.


Location of tie-in point of fuel gas pipeline shall be at ARAMCO gas pipeline (56”).

Route shall be approved during design engineering stage.

Pipe size of east-west pipeline is 56”


Q30.  Vol. 2 Part 6, SEC to define the design basis of the given Fire Water pump capacity 795m3/hr, it seems under sized.


A30.  This is only a typical minimum capacity specified. However the fire protection system and the selection of associated equipments shall be fully compliant with the SEC requirements specified in the Industrial Safety and security department instruction No. 0611-004a dated Dec 2005. Copies of the said instructions were handed over to all bidders in the CD.


Q31.   Vol. 2 General, SEC to provide soft copy of all equipment data sheets.


A31.   Soft copies for Data Sheets are included in the CD provided to the bidders.


Moreover, SEC is pleased to inform you that the Technical Proposal Bid Closing Date has been extended as follows:


          Bid Closing Date       : 12 May 2007 (Saturday)

          Time                      : 10:00 A.M.

          Place                      : 


All submitted Technical Proposals and Bid Bonds shall be opened at 10:30 A.M. on the same date and place indicated above.


Please acknowledge receipt of this Pre-Bid Clarification by signing on the space provided below, and send this page back 



Very truly yours,











Acknowledge Receipt:





Name of Bidder (Company Name)




Name in Print and Signature





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