Bid documents from electricity companies to suppliers
Bid letter.
General and special requirements.
Drawings and technical specifications.
- Bills of quantities and preparations.
- Inspection and tests.
- Supplying duration.
- Security.
Setting a date for a session for the technical inquiries of the bid, well before the date of the bid opening session.
- Setting a session for technical inquiries from the requesting party to the suppliers, after the envelopes opening session and during the study of the technical decision of the bid.
Submission of the bid in two envelopes: a technical envelope and a financial envelope.
- Setting a date for opening the technical and financial envelopes (the technical envelopes opening session) and (the financial envelopes opening session).
Bid documents from the supplier to the requesting party
The technical envelope contains (authorization letter to attend the bid envelopes opening session - technical bid letter - general and special requirements for implementation - technical specifications and bills of quantities - time programs - original letter of guarantee - advance payment and payment system - supply period - copy of the tax card - copy of the commercial register - Copy of previous works - Bidding documents stamped if requested - Special drawings for each model submitted by the supplier for approval before execution - Inspection plans if requested.
- The financial envelope containing (the financial bid letter - the advance payment and the payment system - a copy of the letter of guarantee - the schedules of quantities and numbers are priced and only).
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