Operational data policy for power plants - consulting


Breaking News

Thursday, 5 August 2021

Operational data policy for power plants



Operational data policy for power plants


This report contains a description of the guidelines for preparing the monthly report on the operational data of power plants and includes the following:

1- Defining the monthly report of operational data.

2- The purpose of the monthly report of operational data.

3- Instructions for preparing the monthly report.


1- Definition of the monthly report of operational data:

It is a set of forms in which detailed information is recorded on the operational status of the units and equipment of generating stations.

2- The purpose of the monthly operational data report:

The purpose of the report is to build an integrated database on power plants that contributes to the ease of preparing statistical reports that are requested from other bodies and departments from time to time, in addition to unifying the source and form of data, which leads to accurate planning for the generation sector for the coming years.

3- Instructions for preparing the monthly report:

3-1: In the first four days of each month, the generation stations prepare the monthly report by filling in the following forms:

3-1-1: Monthly station summary form. This form is denoted by the symbol F1.

3-1-2: The monthly operational data model for the units, and this model is denoted by the symbol F2.

3-1-3: The monthly summary form of the units' operating hours when connecting with the exchanger to cool the air entering the units. This model is denoted by the symbol F3 for the Buraidah station and the symbol F4 for the eighth station.

3-1-4: The monthly operating hours model for compressors and exchangers. This model is denoted by the symbol F5 for the Buraydah station and the symbol F6 for the eighth station.

3-2: The stations send the report by e-mail to the Operation and Maintenance Planning Department on the fifth day of every month.

3-3: The Operation and Maintenance Planning Department checks and verifies the accuracy of the data recorded in the report and reconnects with the stations to avoid errors and observations, if any, before the ninth day of each month.

3-4: On the tenth day of each month, the Operation and Maintenance Planning Department works on extracting operational indicators.

3-5: From the tenth to the fifteenth day of each month, the Operation and Maintenance Planning Department prepares the monthly report of the operational data of the generation stations by filling out Form F7.

3-6: On the fifteenth day of every month, the report is sent to the obstetrics coordinator at the Services Department.

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