power plant
These specifications cover the design, manufacture, assembly, inspection, and testing in the manufacturer workshop, as well as packing, supply, delivery, unloading, storing, erection, painting, testing and commissioning, trial operation, and performance test of the Low Voltage AC Switchboards and Motor Control Centers (MCCs) complete in every respect and suitable for safe, efficient and reliable operation.
The various low voltage switchgear and MCC’s shall be located in the following areas:
- Turbine Hall
(Low bay area) / Switchgear room - Fuel Gas
Electrical Building - Fuel treatment. - Fuel unloading
and forwarding. - Fire building. - Transmission building. - Water Treatment
building. - Main control
room building. - Administration
and other facilities. - Workshop.
- Fuel Gas
Electrical Building
- Fuel unloading
and forwarding.
- Transmission building.
- Main control
room building.
- Workshop.
- Any other relevant area.
shall calculate the required number of AC Switchgears/Switchboards, and Motor Control
Centers in his detail
design and layout. The arrangement must be well designed, reliable, redundant as required, and adequate for the safe operation of the
- This section
describes the features and requirements of an enclosed dead front freestanding
LV Switchgear and Motor
Control Centers
for each gas turbine unit and station auxiliaries to be furnished in these
- The 480V switchgear will be controlled from the
DCS, whereas the MCC will be controlled from the gas turbine control system and
/ or DCS.
- The low voltage
switchgear and motor control center shall be provided with its own controller
and interface/integrate with DCS through fiber optic cables.
- Busbars shall be
copper and shall comply with IEC 60439-2. - Busbar identification shall be in accordance with the relevant
phase color.
- All auxiliary
switches shall be wired to a fixed terminal board. - Circuit breakers
shall be SF6/air brake and horizontally withdrawable. - All motor
starters and feeder cubicles shall be fully withdrawable. - The short time the rating shall be in accordance with the results of fault studies. . - Contractor shall
be capable of withstanding the motor stalled current until the associated
protection device operates.
shall comply with IEC 60439-4, including Type ‘2’ coordination. - Composite fuse
and switch equipment in the form of either a fuse-switch or switch-fuse shall
comply with IEC 60439-3. - Mechanical or
electrical safety interlocks shall be provided for isolation and maintenance
and to avoid unsafe switching conditions. . - Suitable
handling equipment shall be provided for circuit breakers or starters which
weigh more than 25 kg .
- Each gas turbine
shall be provided with unit switchgear, which shall normally be fed from
generator output through a unit auxiliary transformer with hot transfer
In case of failure normal supply
from the unit, the switchgear shall remain supplied without tripping the
machine through the 480 V essential switchboard allocated from auxiliaries of
different sections or blocks and the interconnections between different boards
shall be selected to prevent tripping of a turbine generator unit in case of
any single electrical fault.
- All main
distributions shall be fed by 2x100% feeds. These distributions shall be
coupled via a normally open bus-sectionalized, with 2 out of 3 logic.
- The rated
insulation level and one-minute power frequency withstand voltages shall be in
accordance with the applicable IEC Standards and the specified voltage classes.
- The minimum
fault levels shall be calculated by the CONTRACTOR on the basis of the design
data of components with consideration of the maximum acceptable tolerances
according to standards and the maximum system voltages to be anticipated.
. - Current ratings
for standardized products shall be referred to 50°C ambient temperature. Such
equipment, however, shall be selected with due regard to the environmental
conditions at the Site i.e. if upon the increased ambient temperature a duration of
the standard current rating becomes necessary.
Such duration shall be
restricted to such an amount that a margin of 10 % is still maintained ahead of
the actual circuit requirement. In all such cases, the CONTRACTOR shall state
the permissible current ratings for both IEC and site conditions.
- All LV switchgear/switchboards
and MCCs shall have voltmeters with selector switches (for phase to phase &
phase to neutral voltage measurement) for each incomer as well as busbar
section and all main outgoing feeders compartment shall be equipped with
suitable ammeters along with selector switches.
Outgoing feeders’ cabinets,
supplying power to unit auxiliaries shall be equipped with energy meters for
measurement of energy consumed.
- Lamp test the facility shall be provided on all LV
switchgear/switchboards and MCC’s. . - The transparent insulating barrier shall also be provided on live busbar parts in order to
protect personnel from sudden touch or any mishap.
be required to submit a load calculation for each individual LV switchgear/switchboard, MCC, and each transformer. - The CONTRACTOR shall
submit complete motor and load list for each board and MCC for review of the COMPANY
- The low voltage
switchgear and motor control center shall be provided with its own controller
and interface/integrate with DCS through fiber optic cables.
- Busbar identification shall be in accordance with the relevant
phase color.
- Circuit breakers
shall be SF6/air brake and horizontally withdrawable.
- The short time the rating shall be in accordance with the results of fault studies.
- Composite fuse
and switch equipment in the form of either a fuse-switch or switch-fuse shall
comply with IEC 60439-3.
. - Suitable
handling equipment shall be provided for circuit breakers or starters which
weigh more than 25 kg .
- All main
distributions shall be fed by 2x100% feeds. These distributions shall be
coupled via a normally open bus-sectionalized, with 2 out of 3 logic.
- The minimum
fault levels shall be calculated by the CONTRACTOR on the basis of the design
data of components with consideration of the maximum acceptable tolerances
according to standards and the maximum system voltages to be anticipated.
- All LV switchgear/switchboards
and MCCs shall have voltmeters with selector switches (for phase to phase &
phase to neutral voltage measurement) for each incomer as well as busbar
section and all main outgoing feeders compartment shall be equipped with
suitable ammeters along with selector switches.
Outgoing feeders’ cabinets,
supplying power to unit auxiliaries shall be equipped with energy meters for
measurement of energy consumed.
. - The transparent insulating barrier shall also be provided on live busbar parts in order to
protect personnel from sudden touch or any mishap.
- The CONTRACTOR shall
submit complete motor and load list for each board and MCC for review of the COMPANY
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